Start Your ITIL® 4 Certification Journey With Our ITIL® 4 Foundation Training Course. Now £1195 + VAT Including Take2 (One Free Exam Resit) Learn more

Learn About The Coding & Algorithms Involved In Machine Learning (ML)

BCS Foundation Award - AI And The Digital Eco System

Our three-day BCS Foundation Award - AI And The Digital Eco System training course introduces the key concepts associated with AI and explores its relationship with the systems and processes that make up the digital ecosystem.

Our BCS Foundation Award - AI And The Digital Eco System training course will consider how AI can empower organisation to utilise Big Data through the use of Business Analysis and Machine Learning, and encourages candidates to consider a future vision of the world that is powered by AI.

BCS Foundation Award - Knowledge Based Systems

Our three-day BCS Foundation Award - Knowledge Based Systems training course is designed for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the principles of Knowledge-Based Systems and how they can be used to complement other AI technologies such as Machine Learning.

Our BCS Foundation Award - Knowledge Based Systems training course will also enable you to understand the concept of Uncertainty and Fuzzy Logic, and how Knowledge Based Systems can be used to help organisations to make decisions and act where there is higher level of uncertainty.

BCS Foundation Award - Smart Products, Robotics And Automation

Our three-day BCS Foundation Award - Smart Products, Robotics And Automation training course is designed for those wishing to gain an understanding of the role of robotics and automation in the workplace. As robots and SMART technology become more common within society and the workplace, it is important to understand how they can be used and maintained appropriately and safely.

Our BCS Foundation Award - Smart Products, Robotics And Automation training course will introduce you to the concept of intelligent robots, Deep Learning and the use of Neural Networks. You will also be encouraged to explore the potential use of robots in the future workplace and consider their current limitations.

BCS Foundation Award - Machine Learning

Our three-day BCS Foundation Award - Machine Learning training course is designed for those wishing to gain an understanding of the principles of Machine Learning and the process through which it can be developed.

Our BCS Foundation Award - Machine Learning training course explores what Machine Learning is and how it is used in practice. It provides an introduction into the different types of Machine Leaning and the tools and techniques required to develop it, including a basic introduction to algorithms.


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A Training Course?

We can create a personalised training path for you based on your job role.


Don't Just Take Our Word For It

Machine Learning & Other AI Techniques

AI is a powerful tool that increasingly supports our way of life, at home and in the workplace. From predicting the weather and monitoring our heating, to collating election results, scanning faces on CCTV and analysing vast amounts of customer data, AI is applied by both businesses and consumers to manage complex activities with speed, efficiency and precision.

Machine Learning is sometimes mistaken for AI, Machine learning is a complex algorithm and statistical models. AI on the other hand can learn from past experiences. The greater the data it receives and learns from the more intelligent the program becomes.